Dickens Universe 2023

At the tail end of July, Professor Nancy Henry and Graduate Students Eliza Alexander Wilcox, Henry Kirby, and Amber Walters-Molina made their way to the University of California- Santa Cruz for the 42nd annual Dickens Universe conference. This Universe focused on Dickens’ 1859 novel A Tale of Two Cities and generated conversations about interdisciplinarity in Victorian studies, transatlantic materiality, and, of course, all things Dickens.

The C19 seminar members all held various roles for the conference. Henry Kirby took the lead and acted as one of the graduate student cruise directors to help the Universe run smoothly. Eliza Alexander attended the graduate student writing workshop. Amber attended the publication workshop. Dr. Nancy Henry was a leader for one led the faculty-led Graduate Student Seminars.

To quote A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”

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